

JUDGING is a vital part of the speech & debate "sport". Without the required number of judges, students cannot participate in tournaments. Having judges from our team allows us to actually function as a team so no member is left behind.

Ever had an opinion about a politician, a movie, or even a book? Then you can be a speech or debate judge! You DO NOT need to be a parent to judge. Any community member interested can participate. In fact, this is an excellent way to have an significant impact on young people's developing leadership skills; especially if you are an attorney, magistrate/judge, politician, public speaker, entrepreneur, actor, musician, or leader of any sort. You already possess the innate skills to judge easily and effectively. And if you are not in those fields, no problem! Training is easy and anyone is capable of learning how to do it. We would LOVE to have you!

Click the "Sign Up" button below to fill out the form & explore additional resources.